Best PHP Framework 2013

May 23, 2013, by admin

PHP frameworks help you to write clean and reusable code. It follows the MVC pattern, ensuring a clear separation of logic and presentation. But there is a much discussion all around because some prefer performance, some prefer better documentation, some prefer amount of built-in functions etc.

The Best PHP Frameworks of 2013 has been listed below


Yii is an open source project released under the terms of the BSD License. This means that you can use Yii for free to develop either open-source or proprietary Web applications.

The latest stable version of Yii is 1.1. You may safely use this version in your production Web applications. Continued support and bug fixes for this version will be provided until December 31, 2015. If needed, we may further extend our support for this version.



CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint, built for PHP coders who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications. If you’re a

developer who lives in the real world of shared hosting accounts and clients with deadlines, and if you’re tired of ponderously large and thoroughly undocumented frameworks, then CodeIgniter might be a good fit.





Zend Framework

Zend Framework 2 is an open source framework for developing web applications and

services using PHP 5.3+. Zend Framework 2 uses 100% object-oriented code and utilises most of the new features of PHP 5.3, namely namespaces, late static binding, lambda functions and closures.





The CakePHP  is an openly developed community editable documentation

project. We hope to maintain a high level of quality, validity and accuracy for the documentation.