Css-Border Radius Supported all Browsers

Mar 21, 2015, by css


The border-radius property is a composite property that specifies up to four border radius properties for HTML elements and simplest of these method in css3 property.

Then also supported for all browsers (Firefox,chrome,opera,safari,and Internet Explorer-11,10,9) but unfortunately the old version of internet explorer-8,7 does not supported that property….

The best script founded to render border radius and we can safely use this property in our own website.And finally we can use rounded corner in old Internet Explorer is IE-css3.It translates CSS3 syntax into VML (an IE-specific Vector language like SVG) and behavior.

Latest browsers

This property used in latest browser (Firefox,Safari,Chrome,Opera,IE-11,10,9)and not supported in IE-8,7

.border-radius{ border-radius:12px; /*css3*/
-webkit-border-radius:12px; /*safari,chrome*/
-moz-border-radius:12px; /*firefox*/
-o-border-radius:12px; /*opera*/

Internet Explorer-8,7

You have to download border-radius.htc file and put on your website folder .When I used it and found that (like HTC) it wasn’t really built to be functional.And then add this css code.


And replace your correct path, where you have placed the border-radius.htc file.