Google + Moves Up

Feb 01, 2013, by admin

The Google + has become a tough competitive to the social network websites they had won the 2nd place in the social network websites and the Facebook keeps its first place and the twitter users may be heart broken because the twitter had gone down from second place to fourth place and the you tube in third place 

 Facebook :

The Facebook was of launched on 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg its become very famous in short time period and now they rule the social network site and now they are in first place with nearly 700 users


Google + :

Google was an search engine company and it was very well know for its web related products like such as chrome,Gmail,Google docs and maps the all products made an big revolution and the Google + also made an revolution in the social network site they have more than 300 million users and they overtakes the twitter

 Twitter :

The twitter was an social networking and microblogging site it was launched at the month of July by jack dorsey it had a well starting of many people in the become member in twitter and it place 2nd in the social network sites last year but they came down to 4th place they are in an work to catch the place they left