How to add text widget in wordpress

Jul 24, 2012, by admin

wordpress-logoWordPress is a wonderful world of blogging, and sometimes you will want other widgets besides “Blog Hits” and “Archives”. To insert your own text into a widget, insert a text widget.

Steps to add text widget in wordpress

1.Create an account. This is the first thing you must do to have a blog. Go to and click on “Register”.

2.Go to your dashboard. Make sure you are logged in to your account, and then go to your blog. Look at the top of the page, and it will say “My Dashboard”. Click on it.

3.Click on Design, and then Widgets.

4.Click on the text widget. There will be a list full of them, and choose the text one.

5.Write it in. Make a title, and the info.

6.Save it. Click on “Change” in that box, and then click on “Save Changes” at the bottom.