Jul 28, 2012, by admin
If you have a site, then exploring its design by using CSS and div tags can take you and your website business one step ahead. Easy maintenance, faster loading and search engine friendly features shall give you benefits of better marketing strategy.
Steps to design a simple website using div tags
1.Know that the ‘div’ tag is basically utilized to establish separate areas or divisions of the website page. This is amongst the extremely powerful elements in “XHTML”, since it is necessary for placing the design of web page using “CSS”.
2.Consider redesigning an existing website with ‘div’ tags. In simple words, this process means implementing sites devoid of making use of tables for layout and positioning. ‘div’ tags use style sheets which are commonly referred to as “Cascading style sheets” or “CSS” which allow the web design of the site to be independent of data. Designing backgrounds with colors and fonts, width, height, layout and positioning of rows or columns can all be inserted into style sheets leaving only div code and information on actual pages.
3.Understand the benefits of making use of div tags or table-less: