Oct 02, 2013, by admin
You all knows that WordPress comes with built in import/export functionality that allows you to import or export your WordPress posts in XML format.
Have you ever tried to move your blog from one server to another, I think you have done this many time. But I am pretty sure that you were stuck in case the WXR (XML) file is very large to import? I have also faced this one but after a little search on Google, I have found perfect solution & sharing the same with you, hope this will help you to save several minutes.
I am also sure that you have tried to fiddling with PHP variables to increase the upload size limit, but even then you might run into some sort of execution time-out. But in case of large file, your server admin may not even let you change these settings or will show timeout even after updating.
The perfect way is to split your huge WXR data file into smaller chunks.
Even though you can manually split your large XML files by creating multiple XML files with the same header, category, and footer information and dividing the rest of the items. But no one has time for that and obliviously it increases chances of mistakes? There is a very nice free tool that allows you to split your XML files with just a few clicks.
Version 1.52 of the WXR Splitter is here!
Download the below and split your large file in chunks automatically.
WXR splitter comes with the features
1) Super fast parsing of the WXR file.
2) Files are split by file size rather than by number of lines or tags.
Minimum requirements for running the WXR splitter
Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 with the .NET 2.0 framework installed.
(If you don’t have it installed, you can download .NET 2.0 directly from Microsoft)
There is a similar WordPress WXR Split utility available for Mac users. Use the below link to download