How to install wampserver on windows pc

Jul 21, 2012, by admin

WampServer-logoInstall all the software needed to run a PHP + MySQL enabled web server on your Windows PC. This is great for testing your web pages and PHP scripts on your local machine before uploading them to your web server. You can manually install every application separately or you can download a software package called Xampp (or another: “WAMP Server”), an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. It is really very easy to install and to use – just download, extract and start. All software mentioned in this article is free and available through the website listed in the external links section at the bottom of the page. Also, because some of the files come in Zip format, you might need an unzipping program like WinZip or WinRar.

install-wamp-server-on-windows-pcSteps to install wampserver on windows pc

Manual Installation

1. Download the Apache HTTPD Web Server from the Apache website listed in the external links. Be sure to download the latest stable Win32 Binary version of Apache with the MSI Installer. If that doesn’t work, you can also look at the archives (also listed in the external links) for the latest version. To know which file that is, look for files prefixed with “httpd-“, next to this should be the version of Apache HTTPD, and after the version is the Operating System and the type of file (I.E.: “”).

2. Download the latest stable PHP Windows Binaries with installer.

3.Download the latest stable Windows (x86) version (way at the bottom of the page), which includes a Windows Installer, of the MySQL Database Server.

4.Download the phpMyAdmin Database Manager file (

5.Install the Apache Web Server.

6.Install the MySQL Database Server.

7.Install the PHP Engine.

8.Install phpMyAdmin.


Alternate Method

1.Download the full package of Xampp that contains everything. It also has a control panel, to admin everything. This is quite small and thus useful for putting on a thumb drive or something to keep scripts with you on the go. Helpful for developing at multiple terminals and with an odd schedule.


3.Also consider WITSuite EasyInstaller (WITSuite installation video:, in just a few clicks you will get Apache, MySQL, PHP installed and configured on your computer.