Html Tutorial – How to create a hyperlink in html

Jul 30, 2012, by admin


In this tutorial I will show you how to make a hyperlink in HTML

Steps to create a hyperlink in html

1.Open a new document in your favorite text editor.

2.Add the following to the document:







This is the basic structure of an HTML document and is required for all web pages.


3.Type <a href=””> in between the two <body> tags that were added in the previous step.. In between the quotation marks after the href= type the full URL including http://.

4.Type the click-able text directly after the code added in the previous step. This will appear in blue and be underlined on the web page.

5.After adding the click-able area close the tag with </a>

6.Check your code. It should look like: <a href=””>Test link</a>

7.Finally save your file with a .html extension and open it in a web browser to view your results.