Html Tutorials – Lean How indenting text in html

Apr 03, 2012, by admin

This tutorial describess more about web design codes. Learn in this website designing tutorial to use them correctly to make your page look more professional.

An HTML indent code allows you to indent text on your web page easily. You can do so for the paragraphs (similar to tabbing over with the tab key when typing) or indent text for emphasis or sectioning of your paragraphs. If you try to do so using the conventional tab key method, then you might find that your web page program automatically “fixes” the text for you, thus, removing the indention!

How to Write and Insert HTML Indent Code to a Web Page

How to Write Indent Code

To create a consistent indention, you’ll want to use an HTML indent code. Designers have used various techniques to generate indented text on a web page, including non-breaking spacing, blockquotes, unorthodox list arrangements, images, cascading style sheets, preformatted text, tables, etc. Each technique has pros and cons because no two browsers or web pages are exactly alike!

In this video, the “text indent” property is being used to create this aspect. The value assigned can be in px, in, mm, cm, pt, pc, or ex measurements. The video uses “px,” which stands for pixels.

The indent is created by clicking into the text belongings tag area in your page’s HTML code. Type “text-indent:”. Then assign a value to the text you’d like to indent, such as 300px (space after the colon and then type the “300pix” before the ending bracket). The 300 can be changed to any number to assign the number of pixel spaces you’d like to move the text in the indention.

This is a very easy method to indent your text without having to create non-related features on the page, such as indented images or blockquotes. This “HTML indent” video and others can teach you how to easily design your web page to look the way you want it. You may also benefit by completing an entire web design training course for beginners if you’d like to learn even more techniques.