Coolmince Open Cart Templates
Jul 17, 2013, by admin
The cool mince is an optical store theme in open cart which clearly displays the products in an effective manner..It contains a really attractive slider which enhance the look of the products in the store

- Mega menu Drop down.
- Attractive Banner coin slider.
- Multilevel category navigation.
- Featured Products arrow slider.
- Latest Products arrow slider.
- Product Brands arrow slider.
- Single column layout in homepage.
- 2 – column layout in inner pages.
- Attractive Footer Block.
- PSD Source files are included.
- Cross browser compatible.
- Detailed instructions for template installation are provided with the package.

Requirements :
- Template compatible with open cart edition V1.5.5.1
- Adobe Photoshop CS+
- Adobe Dreamweaver 8+ (or any php-editor);
- Winrar or Winzip for extracting

Here are the installation steps:
- The first step is to uncompress the (eg: distribution package (the “Bugtreat_opencart_.tgz” or “” file) anywhere under your web server directory
- Once extracted, you will have a directory containing the Bugtreat_opencart_ in the folder “Bugtreat_opencart_”.The contents of this directory have a directory named by upload.
- Before move catalog and vqmod folder you must Rename the catalog folder [existing folder] to catalog_old .
- The contents of this catalog, admin and vqmod folder(upload folder have two folder named by catalog, admin and vqmod folder need to be move upload folder in this path on your webserver

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