Payment methods in Magento

Jul 16, 2013, by admin

Here in the post we are going to see Payment methods in Magento

In order to start setting up the payment functions you should login to the administrator back-end of the store:

If you have installed Magento under a subfolder of the www root folder for an example “store” you should add this directory name before the index.php.

When the admin back-end is completely rendered navigate to the System > Configuration.

You may need to scroll down and on the left side bar you will see the Sales tab:

You have shortcuts to the two most commonly used payment processors: Paypal and MoneyBookers. These are pretty much worldwide. Also it is easy to register an account, and verify it, using those two payment processors.

However if you check under the Payment Methods you will notice that there are a few extra options available. Note that unless your account is hosted on a dedicated server which is DSS PCI compliant it is considered high risk to use the “Save CC” payment method. This payment option will store the credit card details in your database.