Tag Archives: Tutorial

WordPress Tutorial – How to Install WordPress

Jun 08, 2012

This tutorial is designed to show you how to use Softaculous to install a WordPress application to your site. It will take only few minutes..

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Mysql Tutorial – How Php Syntax Connect

Jun 08, 2012

MySQL works very well in combination of various programming languages like PERL, C, C++, JAVA and PHP. Out of these languages, PHP is the most..

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Joomla Tutorial – How to Install Joomla

Jun 08, 2012

Joomla Tutorial For Beginners You can follow these instructions if you want to perform a manual installation of Joomla for your web site. Pre-installation Steps..

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osCommerce Tutorial – How to Install osCommerce

Jun 07, 2012

To install OsCommerce on your hosting account manually, you should first of all download the OsCommerce files archive on your hard drive. You can download..

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PrestaShop Tutorial – How to Include Payment

Jun 07, 2012

Add Payment Methods in PrestaShop With PrestaShop you are able to add different payment methods to your e-shop. In order to setup the payment methods..

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Shopping Cart Tutorial – How to Make

Jun 07, 2012

Paypal makes it very simple to make a shopping cart on your website. I will show you two ways to do it, first the simple..

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