Tag Archives: Tutorial

How to install ioncube loader in xampp

Nov 28, 2013

1. Find your PHP version using phpinfo() function. You should need to know the version when you download the ionCube loaders. x86/ppc/sparc packages are for..

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A Quick view on PHP magic methods

Nov 26, 2013

Let’s have a quick view on magic methods, as sometimes it looks like it will hard to use these function but reality is these are..

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Convert or Parse URL into PHP Associative

Nov 26, 2013

Here in this post, we’ll discuss how to convert or parse a URL into PHP associative array containing any of the various components of the..

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PHP – Understanding and Validating Integers

Nov 20, 2013

We have often issues with the validation of integers. As PHP has it’s own functions such as is_int() or is_integer() for validating integers,  but sometimes..

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What is use of ‘PEAR’ in php?

Nov 14, 2013

PEAR is short form of PHP Extension and Application Repository. PEAR is a framework and distribution system for reusable PHP component. The purpose of PEAR..

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Virtual Hosts ?

Nov 11, 2013

Hi all now we are going to see is what is Virtual Hosts ? hope you all like the post Virtual Hosts simply give you..

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