Top 5 Alternative Free Blog sites

Jul 02, 2013, by admin

Hi all in the post we are going to see the alternative free blog sites apart from wordpress and blogger just try it hope you will like it


LiveJournal (LJ) is a virtual community where Internet users can keep a blog, journal or diary. LiveJournal is also the name of the free and open source server software that was designed to run the LiveJournal virtual community. LiveJournal’s blogging features include those found in similar blogging sites (multiple authors, commenting, calendars, and polls). However, LiveJournal differentiates itself from other blogging sites by its WELL-like features of a self-contained community and some social networking features similar to other social networking sites.

Blogetery offers free blog hosting powered by latest WordPress version. You can easily publish text, podcasts, pictures, media files and more with just a single mouse click.


It’s easy, choose any kind of WordPress theme, upload photos, personalize your design and start blogging right now. You can also browse samples of the latest posts and blogs. The also offers forums where you can search for any type of answers, read important documentation in relation of the service and terms of use, and you must ask really smart questions so to become part of this community. What the blogsome website intends is to offer a clean service, so when users are found to be using stolen content from other websites as a means of generating traffic, they immediately remove this blogs and cease service.


The World’s most popular education blogging service… Edublogs lets you easily create & manage student & teacher blogs, quickly customize designs and include videos, photos & podcasts – it’s safe, easy and secure.

Blog provides a fully-featured publishing platform for free. Blog by yourself or establish a writing community, all under an address that looks like: It also offers free blog hosting with unlimited bandwidth for their free package, more benefits for paid members.

Just make an try hope this will be an good choice who want an change and try out new things all the best