Trojan virus

Dec 06, 2012, by admin

The Trojan was an very famous virus did you know that why this virus had the name Trojan it has an story behind its name I think all like to hear stories in the ancient time there was a war between  the two countries the Troy and the Greeks at the time of war the Greeks took an big horse made up of wood to the war field as there offering to their god  at the end of the war the Greeks went of the war and the troy celebrated their victory and they took the big wooden horses to their city  but the horse contains of soldiers inside it at the night they come out from the  out of the wooden horse and open the gateway of troy and the Greeks  solders outside the  troy came inside the troy city and they won the battle as same as this the virus will come inside your system and they will send the information to hackers the Trojan antivirus  looks like a normal programOr it will be like free antivirus scan and the virus will come inside our system and send our bank details etc let see what are the problems may be happen of it

  • The hacker Can access our system
  • Data theft
  • Modification or delete the files
  • Keystroke logging
  • Crash computer or delete system files
  • Misuse our internet

To avoid this virus follow the steps given below

  • Don’t install all free software without knowledge about that
  • Don’t click any link sent by unknown users to you mail
  • Don’t install software like (we are taking survey  and we give money for your surfing)
  • Install best antivirus in your system and keep it up to date

This will help to protect your system and your data’s from the hackers and viruses