Session Expired?

Dec 12, 2012, by admin

While we browsing internet interestingly we get a message “session expired” which make us irritating and confusion why this message appeared and what was the problem many of them think it’s a browser problem and try in other browser ok now let us see what was the problem

Leave browsing

When you are browsing in a website at that time you will have some work and when we return we get the message “session expired” this is because the website  was of designed like that  time system when you keep the website idle the website page will be expired and we get the message “session expired” this is also one of the reason for the “session expired


The another reason for the “season expired” was cookies the website need to be cookies on so that they can collect the details and they can know about you by that they can fulfill your need when you visit their website next time to allow cookies you need to do some settings in the browser



The firewall was also an reason for the “session expired” the firewall may block the website and the error message appear

The other reason for the “session expired” was of due to the website server down or the website is in  under construction are also the reason for the “Session Expired